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Half/half pizza
Setting up the menu FAQ section:
Half/half pizza

Our flexible menu builder allows scenarios such as half/half or custom pizza.

To create half/half pizza, first navigate to the restaurant admin panel, “Menu setup & receive orders” section, and then “Menu setup”.

Create an addon group called: “First half toppings” or some other suggestive name, and add your toppings. Then duplicate the addon group and rename it “Second half toppings”.

At the end, assign the two groups (drag&drop) to categories, dishes or sizes.

Another way to achieve this is to have the first half of the pizza already preset and only let clients choose custom toppings for the second half, like this: 

See this also in our demo menu on

Another case may be this: use “halves” of pizza items that are also sold as full pizza in the menu (therefore there are descriptions available in the menu).

To set this up, first create a menu dish with the price 0, then create two (or more) choice groups in which you define the halves of the pizza and their respective prices.

See this example with quarters: